Source: The Aussiedor is a BEAUTIFUL and SMART hybrid mix between an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever Dreamydoodles and Heather M.
Source: And the Aussie Shepherd.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.
Source: Both of these dogs have very sweet personalities and will probably have a much higher than average energy level.
Source: Updated 112713 - 2 left.
Source: But also different combinations of Australian Shepherd and Labrador are quite wide-spread eg Aussie Lab mix Labrador mixed with Australian Shepherd etc.
Source: Designer breed dogs should be socialized when young with people other dogs and any pets with whom they will be expected to live.
Source: The Aussiedor is a BEAUTIFUL and SMART hybrid mix between an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever Dreamydoodles and Heather M.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.
Source: The Aussiedor is a BEAUTIFUL and SMART hybrid mix between an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever Dreamydoodles and Heather M.
Source: Mix between an AKC Chocolate Labrador Retriever and AKC Red Merle Australian Shepherd has actually likewise been called the Aussiedor Sheprador.
Source: The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a mixed breed dog a cross between the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever dog breeds.
Source: The Australian Shepherd often known simply as the Aussie is a medium-sized breed of dogThe Australian shepherd lab mix size is fair with many considering this to be a strong mid-sized dog that is ideal for family homes with enough space.
Source: The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever.
Source: Share it or review it.
Source: It is a cross between the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador RetrieverThe best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up allbreeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of thecharacteristics found in either breed.
Source: Updated 112713 - 2 left.
Source: The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever.
Source: Updated 112713 - 2 left.
Source: But also different combinations of Australian Shepherd and Labrador are quite wide-spread eg Aussie Lab mix Labrador mixed with Australian Shepherd etc.
Source: The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a mixed breed dog a cross between the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever dog breeds.
Source: The Australian Shepherd often known simply as the Aussie is a medium-sized breed of dogThe Australian shepherd lab mix size is fair with many considering this to be a strong mid-sized dog that is ideal for family homes with enough space.
Source: Share it or review it.
Source: Both of these dogs have very sweet personalities and will probably have a much higher than average energy level.
Source: The Aussiedor is a BEAUTIFUL and SMART hybrid mix between an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever Dreamydoodles and Heather M.
Source: And the Aussie Shepherd.
Source: Also called Aussiedor Australian Sheprador Aussie Sheprador Aussie Lab Sheprador and Lab Aussie Mix this hybrid is known for its intelligence and athleticism.
Source: Australian Shepherd mix puppies or Aussie mixes are affectionate family pets with a mischevious streak.
Source: Australian Shepherd mix puppies or Aussie mixes are affectionate family pets with a mischevious streak.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.
Source: The Lab Australian Shepherd mix is a great fit for those who a new to the dog world since they are easier to train and handle in general.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.
Source: Fashioned from top-tier hunting and herding genes the Australian Shepherd Lab mix is essentially a working dog prodigy.
Source: And the Aussie Shepherd.
Source: Other Names Australian Sheprador Aussie Sheprador Sheprador Description The Aussiedor is not a purebred dog.
Source: Updated 112713 - 2 left.
Source: But also different combinations of Australian Shepherd and Labrador are quite wide-spread eg Aussie Lab mix Labrador mixed with Australian Shepherd etc.
Source: Designer breed dogs should be socialized when young with people other dogs and any pets with whom they will be expected to live.
Source: Updated 112713 - 2 left.
Source: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix.